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“He Is the Messiah Ministries”

is an evangelical movement that assists the world to awaken and heal with the Word of God.  With messages based on Bible texts, H.I.M.M is motivated by Bible characters who have presented steadfast and fluctuating faith through the trials that life deals them. Through literary means, my ministry creates workbook style resources for individuals, mission groups, bullying programs, suicide prevention programs, programs for single mothers, and other types of not for profit organizations that deal with issues of mental health. The primary focus of the studies is Faith. Our workbook style resources help them to interpret and understand Bible texts in such simplicity that they match up Bible narratives with their situations and this makes it clearer to them that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit was in their life the entire time. 

Faith Workout

is a book that will enable you to search through the scriptures and match them up with situations in your life. As you go through each exercise, you will be able to see when and how God was there the entire time. You will grow stronger in your walk with the Word of God. The time you complete the exercise, each time you should reach another level of faith. So, grab your pen! I pray that you enjoy your faith workout. Peace


The Author    

Arthina Lee is a wife, mother of four boys, a new Grandmother to one girl, and an entrepreneur. She is also the Author of her first book. “Faith Workout” It’s a book about working through the tough times in your life. My experience and yours. She comes from a family of musicians, and entrepreneurs.  Her motto is " #WORKINGOUTMYFAITH". Attend one of her book signings to hear about her deliverance from generational depression and suicide.



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